Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A game/thought exercise

Okay, so, I've been brainstorming this for a while: What if you took all the candidates in the GOP Primary and HAD to assign them different positions in Romney's cabinet/administration, were he to win? What would it look like?

Here's my RomneyCandidate administration:

1) Press Secretary -- Newt Gingrich. I don't think I need to elaborate on this, but he definitely knows how to take on the media.

2) Treasury Secretary -- Ron Paul. I think he knows what he talking about in regards to his own fiscal plan. We'll see if it works!

3) Secretary of State -- Jon Huntsman. Just because, of the "zany" Republicans, Huntsman seems to be the most sane. As such, he is a good idea to be reflection on upon our country. Plus, he was an ambassador, so that's a plus.

4) Secretary of Education -- Michelle Bachmann. Of Bachmann and Santorum, Bachmann would probably be the better one when dealing with "Faith-based initiatives."

5) Secretary of Health and Human Services -- Rick Santorum. At the very least, I suppose he could try to pray away your affliction. [edited because I didn't realize how mean-sounding what I had down was >.< The joke came across as much too caustic even for my liking >.<]

6) Fiscal Advisor -- Herman Cain: His tax plan is simple and he can propose to close all of the tax loopholes.

7) Secretary of the Army -- Rick Perry. "Don't mess with America!" Would be his slogan.

8) Tim Pawlenty -- Policy Advisor. Another moderate, we could do with a moderate policy on everything.

There you have it! Now, it's your turn! Have fun! :D

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